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Moon Blood Mysteries: Unlock the Transformative Power of Your Cycle

“The menstrual cycle is our inner guidance system,

initiating us into and anointing us with ever deepening revelation and wisdom.”

― Alexandra Pope

Embracing Feminine Power: Rediscovering the Sacredness of Moon Blood and the Natural Rhythm of Women

Our bodies are magical and deserve to be honored and celebrated. As women, we are meant to live as cyclical creatures. Let us dive into the blessing of being born into a female body. 

Our Moon blood is sacred, allowing us to tap into feminine power and connect with a deeper part of ourselves. As a woman travels during these times deeply into her inner world, menstruation is a shamanic time for women. During menstruation, we hold and are able to tap into, great spiritual power. This is something that the ancient people knew about, and therefore, women were revered for their oracular visions during their moon time.

With the rise of the patriarchy, this wisdom was hidden and distorted. By diving into the mysteries of our womb and connecting back with the lunar cycle, we reconnect with the natural rhythm of the world and reclaim our feminine power.  When we connect deeply with our feminine bodies and our moon blood, it creates a personal healing that ripples out into the collective.


When we begin to reconnect with our body, we will know when the time is right to move and create, and when we  are being asked to take a break and rest. With this in mind, we begin to move around this dimension and create with the flow of our inner and, therefore natural, world around us.

Embracing Lunar Influence: Exploring the Connection Between the Moon and Women's Cycles

The Moon herself symbolizes our inner world and has been associated with deeper perceptions of life , as well as our inner feelings. Since our body is made up of over 70% of water, the moon is affecting us just as much as the gravitational pull is affecting the earth, causing the tides in Earth's oceans. 

The average menstrual cycle is also around 28–29 days long, which follows the  lunar cycle that lasts 29.5 days.

Feminine Magic Unveiled: Understanding the White Moon and Red Moon Cycles

Bleeding on the Full Moon (Red Moon Cycle)

If you bleed on the Full Moon, you may be in your solar phase. This is a time of creation and one where you are called to share and be out in the world. Traditionally these women were thought to be healers, witches, and medicine women.

Bleeding on the New Moon (White Moon Cycle)

Bleeding on the New Moon is a sign of transformation and renewal. Dissolving your old self in order to birth a new way of being. This time can also be utilised to bring in and attract abundance into your life.

If you feel like your menstruation is out of balance, a good practice to bring your bleed and health of your yoni back into harmony is Yoni Steaming. This can help with transforming the quality/health of your inner lining and flush out stagnant energies from your womb.

Download your Free Yoni Steaming Guide:

Embracing the Triple Goddess: Exploring Maiden, Mother, and Crone Archetypes in Life's Phases

Life is magical, and during our life, we move through different phases while we learn our soul lessons along the way.

The Triple Goddess is a deity archetype revered in many Neopagan religious and spiritual traditions. These figures are described as the Maiden, the Mother, and the Crone.

Even though there are three apparent forms, the figures functions as a singular whole. Each of the below archetypes lives within ourselves no matter our chronological age. And they also symbolize separate stages in the female life cycle and are each linked with a phase of the Moon.

They often rule one of the realms of heavens, earth, and underworld.


She is like the springtime of life and the Waxing Moon.

She represents: youthfulness, innocence, playfulness, a carefree and, trusting nature, and a sense of wonder.

This is the time right after your period. This time is a great opportunity to plant a new seed and nurture it.


“The maiden represents the heartfelt and formerly sleepy psyche. But a warrior-heroine lies beneath her soft exterior. She has the endurance of the lone wolf. She is able to bear the dirt, grime, betrayal, hurt, loneliness, and exile of the initiate. She is able to wander the underworld and return, enriched, to the topside world."

- Clarissa Pinkola Estés, author of The Women Who Run with the Wolves: Myths and Stories of the Wild Woman Archetype, writes of the Maiden:




She is like the summertime of life and the Full Moon.

She represents: a nurturing nature, matureness, expression of self, fertility, and unconditional love.


This is the time during ovulation which usually occurs halfway through your cycle around day 14. During your ovulation (maybe it even falls on the Full Moon), you are at your highest point, and you are your brightest self. This is the perfect time for creation and manifestation. Just as you are open to conceiving life at this time, you are open to creating new projects as well as new stages of consciousness, because your creative power is at your peak. This is a great opportunity to take some time to consciously co-create with the universe.

See the new seed you have planted during your Maiden time/ Waxing Moon and watch it grow and develop. The Full Moon is the Earth’s most fertile time as the plants get additional light to grow.




She is like the wintertime of life and the Waning Moon.

She represents: Wisdom, reflection, truth, and letting go.

This is the time while you are menstruating. This is a wise woman phase. While shedding our womb blood we enter the void of transformation and experience a psychical death and rebirth. This process creates space for new creations and a new cycle to come. This is generally a time of self-reflection and spiritual initiations. It is the perfect time to travel into the underworld and emerge with new wisdom. Tune into your blood and ask for advice on what needs to be dissolved in your life. A good practice is to make a sincere prayer and ask to release all that which is no longer serving you.

Embracing Feminine Wisdom: Powerful Practices for Moon Time Empowerment


During your period – if you do not so already - take some time to meditate. As we are even more in tune with our inner world, this is a powerful time to connect with our innermost selves and receive guidance and messages meant for us. Menstruation is a portal to our true self, and while meditating, try to tune into the guidance of your womb.

You should generally try to rest during your Moon time.


Moon Blood Invocations:

Offering your blood to Mother Earth while infusing it with your prayers is another powerful practice. This is wonderful if you want to let go of things. Whatever it is, that is no longer serving you, you can give it to the earth and ask for it to be composted and transformed. In return, you can call in what you wish to manifest instead in your life. This is a great way to strengthen your connection with Gaia and feel supported by her.

“When the women give their blood back to the earth, men will come back from war and earth shall find peace”

- Ancient Hopi Prophecy


Ingesting Moon Blood During Moon Time

Menstrual blood is filled with healing stem cells that have regenerative abilities. Ingesting can be done by collecting your moon blood in a bleeding cup and then adding a few drops of it to a glass of water and drinking it. 


When we truly begin to honour our bodies and the feminine part of them that is menstruation, many ailments begin to subside. Tuning into the rhythms of your body and following its advice for rest and action will bring greater harmony into your life.When we re-connect with the rhythm of the natural world, which we are an intrinsic part of, our lives begin to flow with more ease, and our creational powers are magnetised. 

Your Online Course:

If you’re ready to unlock profound Transformation and the Secrets of Your Womb, the Moon Blood Mysteries online home course is your gateway to your divine feminine power:

With Love,

Lana x