The Journey Home…

YOU have the power to rebirth YOURSELF into the highest version of YOU.

The path of Womb Awakening and the Embodiment of the true Feminine is the path to reclaiming YOUR power and sovereignty.


In a world full of illusions of outer authority and false gurus, you reclaim your own power and return to your own authority by healing the shadows that live within.

Through re-connection with your own inner wisdom and the truth that resides within, you ultimately return to fully embodying your true self.

You have all it takes to become the sovereign being that you long to be.

  • feminine-mentorship
  • Feminine Healing Path | Sanctuary for Conscious Women | Shamanic Womb Work | Luna Sanctum
  • feminine-mentorship

The Feminine Healing Path


You come from a womb and, as a woman, you create through your womb space.

your womb is a powerful oracle

Most of us have forgotten the power of the womb as this knowledge was deliberately misused, suppressed or hidden.

Womb Awakening is about reclaiming this power by returning into your body.

Your womb is also a storehouse for trauma, grief, and any experiences in your life.

Doing deep shadow work, you spiral deep within yourself where you have the power to unlock and release all that is forbidden.

By clearing your womb, you return to balance and clarity, and begin to create consciously with and through your sacred vessel from a healed space.

Through diving into your body and psyche, you reclaim your soul.

You travel to old forbidden spaces and memories that keep you locked in a disempowered state.

You allow yourself to consciously be with these feelings and it is from here that you alchemise them.

By transforming any unhealthy patterns and limiting beliefs,

you begin to transform your shadows into your superpowers. 

You dissolve the old patterns in love and plant new seeds in the sacred darkness of your womb to grow into something new that you consciously envision for yourself.

Your intentions are seeds and so you plant a new vision for yourself rooted in love, not trauma.


Gateway to the Infinite


Your inner womb interconnects you with the earth as well as the Cosmic Womb above.

Through your womb, you have the ability to connect with the Otherworld, commune with the spirit world and receive guidance and spiritual wisdom to retrieve lost soul fragments and heal yourself.

When you reclaim our womb power, you become a clear vessel to receive guidance from the Womb of all Creation and access transformation on a quantum level.

By fully connecting and consciously co-creating with Mother Earth, you dream a new world into being.

During this period of the Turning of the Ages, you are all called to tap into your gifts.

You came here to change the paradigm by following your own calling.

My offerings are here to support you on your journey of self-reclamation and empowerment.

This path leads to reclaiming your personal power as well as your own spiritual authority.

 It is my deepest honour to hold space for you and offer guided shamanic womb journeying, ritual, and ceremony.


The Transformative Power of Womb Healing

  • Release of trauma
  • Ancestral healing
  • Removal of any old and stagnant energy
  • Disentangling from the past
  • Dissolving any unhealthy and negative thinking patterns
  • Energy clearing of past sexual partners
  • Opening up lifeforce
  • Ignites your feminine essence
  • Opens you up to pleasure and abundance
  • Reclaiming your power
  • Restores a healthy self-confidence
  • Renews creativity
  • Opens you up to love
  • Power animal retrieval
  • Re-connecting with your innate gifts

Come home to yourself…



Woumb Meditation

Reconnect with your feminine essence & your intuition


Lana has a very kind & genuine heart that makes it easy to drop into the feminine realms. She has a lot of clarity and the session was incredibly healing.

Thank you, thank you!

- Gabriela

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