
Holistic & Practical Knowledge

Lana Herber Lana Herber

Healing the Mother Wound: Steps to Recovery

Healing the wounded feminine energy marks the initial stage of recovery from the mother wound. Our mother is our first experience. We grow inside her womb, and she has the greatest impact on our core beliefs and development. The unresolved trauma she carries becomes our own, an unconscious pain passed down through the lineage.

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Lana Herber Lana Herber

Grief Healing: Alleviate depression

Our modern world prohibits wild, feminine, mystical states: The heights of ecstasy, wildness and pleasure, and the lows of grief, mourning, shadow, transformation, and deep emotion. Yet grief has an important message for you.

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Lana Herber Lana Herber

Nourish Your Feminine Essence: Homemade Yoni Steaming Recipe

Yoni Steaming offers a gentle approach to assisting your body in cleansing the vaginal and uterine linings, promoting the elimination of stagnation. This is an incredible healing practice that has been utilized by many indigenous cultures throughout history.

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