Astrology Reading

Soul Wealth Reading

Astrology as Your Roadmap Home


Your astrological birth chart is the unique blueprint for your soul’s journey through this lifetime.

Your birth chart reveals the energy patterns at the time of your birth that shape fundamental themes in your life.

Through understanding your birth chart, you attain greater insight into:

  • who you are

  • your gifts and talents

  • your soul strengths and lessons

  • karmic imprints

  • the purpose of your life and what you are here to learn for your soul’s evolution


This is a detailed analysis of your natal chart, including insights into current transits and your progressed chart.

Additionally, I'll integrate relevant Kuiper Belt Objects and incorporate Galactic Astrology into the reading.


Sessions take place on Zoom and last 90 minutes.

(Recording of the session will be send out afterwards)

Energy Exchange

66 EUR


In order to read for you I need the following information:

  1. Your full name

  2. Your date of birth (please write the date and month to avoid confusion)

  3. Your place of birth (country and town)

  4. Your time of birth (exact to the nearest minute as possible)

  5. Your current location (town and country)

  6. Any question you may have or area you are particularly interested in (optional)


Client Love

I already had a couple of readings along my journey and this one was the most clear and empowering one.

Lana, with her gentle and loving presence, has the ability to transmit the essence of who you truly are and what you came to manifest here on Earth.

Thank you again for the great experience and these meaningful insights ✨🙏❤️

- Caroline, Brussels