Alchemy of Grief

Grief Healing: Alleviate depression



Are you ready to Embrace Transformation and Break Free from Depression?

Unlock your Grief Healing with this Online Course

Beneath depression's surface often lies buried grief, left unprocessed or unexpressed due to past circumstances or an unsupportive environment.

This mini course provides tools to confront and heal this underlying pain, paving the way for profound emotional renewal.

Ready to embark on a journey towards inner peace and harmony?

Relies old energy to make space for new energy to flow in and fill you up.

In life, there are moments of light and moments of darkness, times of joy and times of grief.

Each has its place in the grand tapestry of existence.

Grief is not to be feared or avoided; rather, it is a natural part of the human experience.

It comes to us as a teacher, guiding us through the depths of our emotions and initiating us into deeper understanding.

However, our modern world often lacks the space and energy required to fully embrace the transformative power of grief.

We are conditioned to question and analyse, yet grief calls for surrender and acceptance of the mysteries it brings.

Just as Inanna descended into the underworld in the Sumerian myth, we too are invited to let go of the need for answers and instead embrace the enigmatic journey that grief offers.

Embark on a Profound Journey of the Feminine Soul.

Allow Grief to Lead You Through the Secret Portal Within.



  • Navigating Grief: A Journey of Transformation and Healing

  • Embracing Grief as a Path of Initiation

  • Grief of the Heart & Grief of the Womb

  • Elemental Wheel of Grief

  • The Elemental Grief Mandala

  • Embracing the Feminine Mysteries

  • Soul Doula - Grief as a Feminine Spiritual Tradition

  • Grief as Medicine

  • Unlock Higher Guidance: Using Dream Journaling to Navigate Grief

  • Creating Sacred Space for Spiritual Connection and Healing


Deep dive into your psyche to unlock treasures hidden in the subconscious.


  • Questions to work with to support your understanding of your own grief

  • Tree of Grief practice to map your grief

  • Playlist to dance and stir the inner cauldron

Reclaim the art of grieving

 Energy Exchange

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