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Unlock Your Cosmic Potential: Galactic Astrology & Starseed Consciousness 

Your soul’s galactic b l u e p r i n t, as revealed through Galactic Astrology, offers insights into your s t a r s e e d consciousness and the unique p u r p o s e you bring to this life!

Have you ever felt a deep, unexplainable connection to the stars, as if your soul's origins extend beyond this Earth?

In this journey, we'll explore how galactic astrology can unveil your soul's cosmic blueprint, empowering you to align with your true purpose.

Unlocking the Mysteries of Galactic Energies

As human consciousness evolves, galactic astrology reveals deeper insights into our galaxy and our cosmic origins.

At the turn of the century, astronomers began discovering additional Kuiper Belt Objects orbiting far beyond Pluto's orbit around our Earth. While Pluto is traditionally considered a planet in astrology, it was actually discovered as a Kuiper Belt Object in 1930. The newer objects discovered in the 1990s and 2000s reside in the ring-shaped region, along with Pluto, at the edge of the Solar System. They are far beyond 3D and represent a higher octave of consciousness. It almost appears that they are revealed to us only when we have expanded our awareness and are ready for a higher understanding.

Black holes expand our consciousness even further, this is where astrology becomes a quantum puzzle. When we tap into their energy, our ego consciousness morphs into universal consciousness. 

We all have the power to tap into these energies. However if we have alignments in our natal chart, we are from ground up wired differently and embodying a quantum awareness along with multidimensional thinking.

Exploring Galactic Black Holes: A Journey into Cosmic Mysteries

As our Earth orbits the Sun, the entire solar system, including the Sun itself, orbits around the center of our Milky Way Galaxy. The central region of the Milky Way is known as the Galactic Center, housing a supermassive black hole.

Taking the next step outward in space, we encounter the Super Galactic Center, a powerful black hole that acts like a cosmic vacuum cleaner, devouring everything in sight. Even further out, we find the Great Attractor, an enigma drawing galaxies into its immense gravitational grip. Beyond that, the Great Attractor itself is pulled towards an even stronger force—the Shapley Attractor.

Unlocking the Power of Galactic Energies for Transformation


The integration of these points for us as humans moves in octaves. Once you integrated one, life will pull you to situations and experiences to integrate the next stage. Moving from Galactic Center to Super Galactic Center and beyond, and spiraling up and down for authentic processing and healing, and continuous growth.

Galactic Center

Your Connection to Divine Source Consciousness


Super Galactic Center

Navigating Relationships and Balance


Great Attractor

Embracing Transformation and Seeing Beyond the Veil


Shapley Attractor

Aligning with Power, Truth, and Authenticity


Unlocking Cosmic Influences: Alignments in Your Natal Chart and Galactic Astrology

People with conjunctions to these points in their natal charts are often wired differently, embodying quantum awareness and multidimensional thinking. They can tap into past, present, and future spontaneously and as needed, adding another layer of their unique abilities. They naturally move towards the center stage within their communities, as others sense the powerful magnetic frequency they emit.

These individuals become anchors for higher consciousness, unconsciously shifting the consciousness of those around them to these potent points, propelling evolution forward.



Conjunctions and even oppositions with the Galactic Center, especially involving Pluto, Neptune, or Uranus, enable you to tap into and perceive the ancient wisdom inherent in your soul. Whatever you do in life is guided to impact and influence the entire collective consciousness in a meaningful way. Therefore, if you encounter or are currently experiencing numerous challenges, keep in mind that your personal growth leaves profound imprints on the collective, catalycing transformative shifts and advancements not only for yourself but also for others.



  • Elimination of outdated beliefs and letting go of past memories, which is essential for making progress 

  • Planets positioned in this area will be amplified by the influence of the Galactic Center

  • Embodying higher wisdom is effortless, as it is already integrated within. This wisdom comes from within, making it easy to access and express

  • There is much easier access to this divine wisdom and higher consciousness, almost like having a direct link

  • You are likely here to aid in the ascension process, raising the planet's consciousness by assisting others once you have awakened yourself

  • Deep understanding that there is more to life than what meets the eye

  • As this point falls into Sagittarius, themes of evolution and expansion are emphasised 

  • Practical solutions come up easily, especially when elevating the brain waves from everyday delta and theta waves into a more meditative state, as this is where we can tap into the quantum field

  • Identify the life area through which you can access the quantum field or divine cosmic consciousness. Evolve towards your highest potential, as this is where you can achieve your greatest potential





People with conjunctions here, often encounter intense dynamics within their relationships, driven by a deep longing for fulfillment mirroring the insatiable appetite of a black hole. This craving persists until they realize that love cannot be found externally; it must be discovered within. Once this understanding dawns, a profound shift occurs, leading them to embody this wisdom and share it with others. They recognize the importance of mastering relationships with oneself and others, moving away from incessant pursuit of external validation to acknowledging their innate access to wisdom and love as the source within.

Through conjunctions, there's a beautiful integration within a person's being, resonating with the frequency of the planet that attracts the energy





Conjunctions in the chart indicate that the soul operates at an exceptionally high frequency, granting access to profound wisdom beyond the reach of the average person. Individuals with planets aligned in such a manner can perceive beyond the immediate, as their influence bends the light, granting them a heightened sense of precognition. This may manifest prominently through the specific houses in which the alignment fall into. Their gift lies in seeing the unvarnished truth, delving beyond surface presentations to tap into an innate knowing. However, this heightened perception can also be isolating, as not everyone shares their level of insight.

They possess access to truth and knowledge far beyond the norm, embodying galactic wisdom and a deep-seated ‘knowing’ of their starseed origin. Their psychic abilities are remarkably strong, facilitating foresight and the ability to discern events before they unfold. They often become beacons of objectivity, aiming to illuminate alternative perspectives to others. 

There's a common assumption that individuals with the Great Attractor alignments possess significant insights, drawing others to them who seek to be heard, seen, included, healed, and activated by their wisdom.





Just as the Scorpio zodiac sign is about depth, delving deep into the shadows to uncover what lies beneath, and akin to the transformative essence of the ruling planet Pluto, associated with cycles of death and rebirth, this point embodies Phoenix Energy, symbolising profound transformation. These individuals are naturally attuned to a higher perspective on life, capable of embracing more light within themselves. They are inclined towards supporting divine evolution.

The Shapley Attractor epitomises truth and integrity. When activated in one's astrological chart, there is no room for pretence. It becomes challenging to be anything other than one's authentic self. Scorpio, known for its inclination towards elimination, signifies the process of discarding outdated elements or baggage, and things no longer serving a purpose.

Where is the Shapley Attractor is positioned in your chart? it operates behind the scenes, influencing your unconscious blueprints, coping mechanisms, and habits, thus impacting various aspects of your life. Reflect on the potential for inner exploration and realisation, acknowledging what is hidden within. By delving into the core intention of specific life areas, can you transcend them to a higher level? This involves cultivating integrity and letting go of false attachments to achieve freedom. Embrace your essence and real intentions with honesty, reaching a point where you feel you have nothing to lose because you've embraced and acknowledged your truth. This authenticity creates a powerful magnetism that draws others who admire such liberated beings.

People with an alignment, are guided by a force that operates subtly in the background, influencing their individual path and creations. What they manifest and create in their life holds significant influence on the collective, impacting it in a powerful way.

Especially if you have conjunctions with Saturn and/ or Pluto implies the necessity for unwavering diligence in life. Because any lack in diligence is quickly addressed by life's circumstances. It underscores the importance of embodying high integrity, discipline, and diligence, which in turn leads to substantial rewards. Embodying discipline and integrity, especially behind the scenes, is crucial. Consistently aligning actions with words is essential—walking the talk is fundamental to success.

Unlocking Higher Consciousness: Tap into Galactic Black Holes

It's not only conjunctions that carry significance; aspects like oppositions, trines, sextiles, and squares also play a crucial role.

However, it's not just these alignments that matter; we all possess the innate ability to connect with cosmic intelligence. Even without specific natal alignments to these powerful points, we can tap into their energies during certain astrological transits. Meditation serves as a potent tool for accessing higher wisdom from these cosmic sources. By setting a clear intention to receive guidance and insights, we can support our personal evolution. Connecting with these cosmic energies grants us access to timeless wisdom and expanded consciousness. It's important to note that bringing the understanding of these insights to others, may take time. According to Philip Sedgwick, it can sometimes take the collective up to 9 months to fully comprehend them. Trusting in these insights, even when others may not immediately grasp them, is essential for their integration and profound impact.

To tap into infinite intelligence and access Akashic Wisdom, meditation acts as a vital bridge. While these points can be accessed any day, connecting during astrological transits makes access easier. Pay particular attention to the luminaries—the Sun and the Moon. The Sun illuminates every point it touches, activating cosmic wisdom. When it aligns with a galactic point, it intensifies and energizes the connection, establishing a potent line of communication. If this alignment occurs with natal planets on that point, the effect is magnified.

When working with the Galactic Center, focus on your Root Chakra, which connects us to the Earth and houses our Kundalini energy. The Galactic Center enhances and activates this foundational Chakra, influencing our physical energies and fostering a sense of safety, security, and trust in life. A balanced root chakra is crucial, as it impacts the function of all other chakras by regulating the flow of energy.

Moreover, connecting with Galactic Points in this manner is an opportune time for Starseeds to reach out to their soul family.

Connecting with the Universe: Transformative Meditation for Alignment

  • SOMA Meditation: This is a type of meditation that combines ancient breathing techniques with modern music and guided meditations to enhance physical, mental, and emotional well-being.

    Developed by Niraj Naik, you can access for free on:

Note: Skip during menstruation as heavy breathwork is not recommended. It can exacerbate symptoms like cramps, fatigue, and lightheadedness, causing additional physical strain and discomfort. This period requires a gentler approach to support the body's natural processes.

How to Track Your Personal Transits in Galactic Astrology?

You can generate your Free Natal Chart and closely track all transits (by activating transits) through:

Unveiling Galactic Astrology: Exploring its Meaning and Manifestations in Your Life

>>Follow the stars and unlock your Cosmic Blueprint, book your personal Astrology Reading:

Love & blessings,

Lana x

Credit goes to Philip Sedgwick, an esteemed astrologer and dedicated researcher of Galactic Points for decades, you can find more on his side:

And also Julia Balaz, a renowned Galactic Astrology Researcher & Guide. You can access a Free Galactic Astrology report on her website

Inspired to explore Galactic Astrology on a deeper level? Julia's incredible Quantum Soul Guidance Practitioner Training will teach you how to professionally deliver Galactic Astrology Soul Readings: