Harnessing Lunar Energy: New Moon and Full Moon Rituals for Spiritual Growth

Embracing Lunar Magic: Harnessing the Moon's Energy for Release and Transformation

Unlocking Lunar Wisdom: Manifestation and Release Practices with Moon Cycles

A wonderful and powerful practice is working with the cycles of the moon in regards to manifestation and release work. Establishing rituals around the energy of the Moon is incredibly powerful. The Moon herself symbolizes our inner world, our unconscious, and the hidden.  Our wombs are connected to the lunar rhythms, and the memory of this still lives inside our bodies.

Harnessing the power of the Moon has been an ancient tradition across cultures. Each phase of the Moon holds a different energy/quality.

New Moon

New Moon

The New Moon is all about new beginnings and what you wish to bring into your life

Full Moon

Full Moon

The Full Moon is about completion, releasing and letting go of what no longer serves you.

We express our emotions and feelings sometimes through tears, an elemental release of emotions that we carry.


I have been working with the cycles of the moon for some years now and this has brought more harmony into my life and strengthened my connection with the natural rhythm. Also, my manifestation work has become more conscious and therefore enhanced. I also feel more connected to the natural flow of time.

Enhance Manifestation with Astrology and Moon Magic


The Moon sign is an important part of our astrological profile.


Astrologically the Moon represents our inner self. While the sun represents our ego, our Moon sign represents our inner world and emotional landscape.

If you know the time of your birth, you can generate your birth chart. I am using Astro.com but you can also do this through a different provider that speaks to you.

By generating your birth chart - the snapshot of the sky at the moment of your birth - you will not only know what Moon sign you have been born under, but also all the houses in your chart, and therefore you will be able to utilize the particular meaning of the specific house while working with the New or Full Moon.

I have been following this advice from my favorite astrologer Pam Gregory and I find this incredibly powerful. By bringing in astrology, you can enhance the manifestation power of the moon. By using the energies of the sign and house they fall into, you will strengthen your magic in the particular area the sign or house is touching on. Setting your intentions or focusing your release work on a particular house, you center/spotlight your energy on the exact life theme that is being highlighted for you during a particular moon.


But even if you do not know your birth time (or maybe you just want to keep it simple), do not worry. Just look up what Zodiac sign the Moon falls into and what qualities this specific sign holds, so you can co-create with this energy.

If you would like to unlock Cosmic Insights, book your personal Birth Chart Reading here:

New Moon Magic: Harnessing Energy for Intention Setting and Manifestation

Intention Setting

A New Moon occurs when the Moon is between Earth and the Sun, therefore the moon appears dark.


This is the time to set intentions for what you wish to manifest in your life. As this is the darkest time of the moon, this is the dream time to plant new seeds that will grow over time into new potential. A perfect time to focus on what you want to call into your life.

Use a journal to write your intentions. Some examples for setting intentions:

- I am ready….

- I welcome…

- I allow…

At the end, read your intentions out loud and say a prayer to the Moon. And use visualization to feel your new life with your entire body. And feel worthy to receive, as it always comes back to how open and worthy we feel to receive all the blessings we ask for. Also, do not forget to take actionactions for any intentions that require action on your side.

Embracing Full Moon Energy: Letting Go and Cleansing for Renewal


Full moon occurs when the Moon is on the opposite side of Earth from the Sun, therefore the light of the sun illuminates the moon.


The Full Moon is about completion and release. As there is a culmination effect, it brings a completion or closure to a particular area of your life/chart, or it shines a light on something you didn’t know before.

Examples for your release work:

- I let go of…

- I release…

- I free myself…

- I cleanse myself…

Creating Sacred Rituals: Harnessing Lunar Energy for Intention Setting and Release Work


There are many ways of creating rituals.

This is just an example of how to prepare a ritual. Simply try and see what works best for you, and always follow your intuition.


Also, allow this work to be altruistic, and use the intentions of your ritual work for the good of others just as much as for yourself.

1. Clear your body and your space with sage or any other smudging incense or use essential oils.

2. Light a candle.

3. Sit down and meditate to clear your mind and get clear on your intentions, and open up for guidance.

4. Open up for guidance. You can call in helping spirits or call in on specific goddesses

5.   Moons:

For New Moon: Use a New Moon Journal, something you only use to set your intentions for the New Moon. You can also place a quartz crystal or any other crystal of your choice on the top of the journal before you begin with your intention work. Then begin writing your wishes into your journal, phrasing them in simple present.

For Full Moon: Simply use a blank sheet of paper to write on it what you wish to release. At the end, use the power of the fire element and burn this piece of paper. While you watch it burn and transform into smoke, visualize whatever you wish to let go of to be released and transformed by the element of fire. You can also take a cleansing bath or shower at the end.


6.   Give thanks! And release your practice by quoting the statement: “For the highest good of all!”


May your intentions manifest for the greatest good of all!

Explore Your Cosmic Blueprint: Schedule a Galactic Astrology Birth Chart Reading

With Love,

Lana x


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